Together with Swiss design legends Büro Destruct we developed a font – inspired by the edding 850 permanent marker. That way we created a digital product extension. It was completely free. Once you’ve written something on the collaborative typo website, you could download the font – and use the edding 850 directly on your computer.

The Type-for-type project consisted not only of the font and the website – but also of a much noticed documentary about Büro Destruct directed by Kai Sehr. The film got lots of attention and led the design community directly to our website and out new font.
On the website people could download the font. But the site was also a gallery for all kinds of artwork users created with the font. And they created a lot. Here are some examples:

Even the Jetzt Magazin of the Süddeutsche Zeitung used the font for an article. The Project appeared just in the right kind of forums and blogs worldwide. To show the whole campaign in a nutshell we edited a case film. You can watch it here:

Creative Direction: Simon Jasper Philipp, Christoph Gähwiler, Stefan Walz
Art Direction: Simon Jasper Philipp, Alexander Müsgens, Johannes Widmer
Copy: Christoph Gähwiler, Max Biedermann
Graphic Art: Felix Demandt, Tomek Strzalka
Typeface: Büro Destruct
Director: Kai Sehr
Photographer: Daniel Wolcke
Produced by: kempertrautmann & shift
Agency: kempertrautmann
Creative Direction: Simon Jasper Philipp, Christoph Gähwiler, Stefan Walz
Art Direction: Simon Jasper Philipp, Alexander Müsgens, Johannes Widmer
Copy: Christoph Gähwiler, Max Biedermann
Graphic Art: Felix Demandt, Tomek Strzalka
Typeface: Büro Destruct
Director: Kai Sehr
Photographer: Daniel Wolcke
Produced by: kempertrautmann & shift
Agency: kempertrautmann
Cannes Lions 2012: Shortlist
Annual Multimedia Award 2013: Gold
ADC Germany 2013: Merit
Der Pixel 2012: Bronze
Cannes Lions 2012: Shortlist
Annual Multimedia Award 2013: Gold
ADC Germany 2013: Merit
Der Pixel 2012: Bronze