In 2018 German airline Lufthansa did a major brand refresh including a redesigned logo, claim and livery. At Kolle Rebbe we created the communication: a new claim, a global brand campaign and new visual language for future communication.

As Creative Director of the international team I was responsible for the global roll out of the brand campaign. The aim was to introduce the new claim “Say yes to the world” in the main markets USA, China, India, France and Italy.

Making of NYC murals

Moving images on bus mounted screen in Manhattan

We combined out-of-home media with a broad digital campaign in each market. For China we collaborated with “Visual China” the largest visual content platform and came up with a contest for new billboard motifs to activate the target group and generate leads.


Examples of digital campaign assets
After introducing the new attitude of the Lufthansa brand we launched product motifs in a more reduced photographic style. Shot by Johannes Mink and Andreas Lind.

Each motif concentrates on another feature of the Lufthansa product like FlyNet®, the fast connections or more baggage allowance and more space in Premium Economy Class.

Involved agencies:
Lead Agency: Kolle Rebbe, Hamburg
Corporate Design/Livery: Martin et Karczinski, Munich
Digital/BTL: DDB, Hamburg
Social Media: Elbkind/Reply
Lead Agency: Kolle Rebbe, Hamburg
Corporate Design/Livery: Martin et Karczinski, Munich
Digital/BTL: DDB, Hamburg
Social Media: Elbkind/Reply